Table of Contents


Creating a new User

To create a new user do the following:

  1. Click Settings > Manage Users.
  2. Click the Add button
  3. Enter a username and email address
  4. Make sure the user is Active
  5. Enter a password
  6. Select user type: Regular user has read only rights
  7. Click Apply Changes

Creating a dashboard for the User

A user does not have access to dashboards until you assign them.

  1. Go to your main dashboard page
  2. At the top right, click on your username and then select Show Dashboard Designer
  3. Select the dashboard in the Dashboard list that you wish to share with the user, for Example: Delta Inverter [Global]
  4. Select the User you wish to assign the dashboard to (ie. testuser). You will see Dashboard not Enabled text.
  5. Click the Copy From dropdown and select the user that you wish to clone the dashboard from, this could also be the Default For All Users template.
  6. Click on OK

You have now copied over the dashboard.

Adding the device for the User

You need to assign permissions to the user to be able to view the device. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Click Settings > Manage Devices
  2. Select the user from the drop down (i.e testuser)
  3. Click the Share Device button
  4. Select the device from the dropdown
  5. Click Share