Setting Up the Wattmon EMS Platform for First-Time Use

Upon purchase of an EMS subscription for your first Wattmon device, you will be provided the login credentials via email for logging into your Wattmon Energy Monitoring Solution account. These credentials will also be referred to as the administrator account, since they authorize you with complete editing privilege for the Subscriptions, Devices, and Dashboards.

Once you log into your new EMS account, you will notice the MAIN MENU to the right which lists three options under the GENERAL column - Dashboards, Reportingand Settings. Under these is the MY DEVICES column are two options - Active Devices and Inactive Devices.

The Following are a Concise Set of Instructions to Add your Wattmon Device to your EMS Account

To add your first Wattmon data logger to the EMS, you need to proceed to the options under the Settings drop-down menu and follow as per the steps outlined below.

1. Manage Subscriptions: In order to add your device, you first need to select the subscription that you wish to attribute to your Wattmon - this depends on two factors, the number of data points being logged on your Wattmon and the subscription balance available on your EMS account.

2. Manage Devices: Once the subscription is added, you may add your device as per the information needed on the page. The most important of these will be the MAC address of your Wattmon. To add the device, click on +Add New. Then fill out the details as below:

If the site is online and pushing data to our server, it will be added immediately after selecting Apply Changes. After this, you may also add some optional Custom Variables, which will allow you to view the data much like in the previous site. You may copy the format of the Custom Variables from the other device.

After adding your device successfully, you may also choose to add custom parameters which may be used by you at your discretion and also by the auto-generated dashboards. We recommend adding the three stated below:

3. Manage Device Profile and Data Points: In this step, you will select the parameters you wish to log on the EMS. In this case, since the profile is the same as the previous device you need only Apply Profile. Otherwise the following steps are to be followed.

4. Manage Dashboards: Since this is your first Wattmon device, you probably do not have a dashboard design with you. Therefore you have the option to you either create a new dashboard or also copy an existing dashboard from another site you may have seen or from the EMS DokuWiki itself.

To create a new Dashboard from scratch, select the Generate New Dashboard option. Once this opens in the same tab, select from the Devices list the Wattmon device / site for which you wish to create the dashboard, and then from the Widgets list select any or all of the options as outlined below:

After selecting the data you wish to view, click on Generate and the dashboard template will be shown in a new window. Copy this template to the clipboard and keep it safe since it shall be required in the next step.

Go to your Wattmon dashboard and enable the Dashboard Designer by clicking on the Show Dashboard Designer option from the top right corner where your login name is displayed. Then proceed to your device dashboard by selecting the site from the DEVICES option Active Devices in the MAIN MENU, and then follow these steps:

  1. Click on the + New button to create a new dashboard and add the following information:
    • Dashboard Name - set this to be the same as the Device Profile for better management
    • Device Profile - select the Device Profile of your site as set up earlier
    • Status - set the status of the dashboard as either Active or Deactivated
    • Default - set this dashboard as the default layout for the selected Device Profile
    • Auto Create - set this to Yes to allow dashboards to be created automatically for future Wattmons added with this Device Profile
    • Access Level - allow this dashboard design to seen by just you the administrator or also end-users
    • Clear User Dashboards - setting this to Yes will wipe the preexisting dashboards if any for this Device Profile.
  2. Click on Apply Changes to save the New Dashboard
  3. Return to Device Dashboard and it should now say “Dashboard Not Enabled”.
  4. Click on the ↑ Import button and do the following:
    • User - set this as the administrator
    • JSON Data - paste here the dashboard template that was saved to your clipboard earlier.
  5. Click on the Import button to complete the dashboard import process and you shall return to the device dashboard along with the data now being visible as per the selected parameters.