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COUNTNZ() Function (Count Non-Zero)

The COUNTNZ() function can be used to get the number of minutes a value is greater than a threshold value


COUNTNZ(variable, options, val,[start_hour],[end_hour],[start_min],[end_min])

variable - the variable name to check

options - see below

val - optional - the threshold value to be greater than (0 is the default)

start_hour - option for 'diff in range (option 5) when period is 1 day - start hour (0-23)

end_hour - option for 'diff in range (option 5) when period is 1 day - end hour (0-23) - set start and end to 0 to ignore this

start_min - optional start minute if using a start hour

end_min - optional end minute if using end hour (ie. 18:43 for hour=18 and end_min=43)

Generic Variables (per device type)


Get the number of minutes that genset_on was greater than 0 for the current day


Get the number of minutes the voltage was greater than 100v for the selected period

Device - Specific Variables

For device specific variables use a . to separate the device name:

COUNTNZ('My Device.My Value',1)

Option Parameters

The second parameter, [options] is a number and can be any of the following

1 DAY - Number of minutes non-zero today
2 WEEK - Number of minutes non-zero for the week
3 MONTH - Number of minutes non-zero for during the month
4 YEAR - Number of minutes non-zero for during the current year
5 PERIOD - Number of minutes non-zero for the selected range
6 SLICE - Number of minutes non-zero for variable changed during the slice in the range (i.e. in a graph segment)


Get the uptime in percent based on voltage for the day (1440 minutes per day)


Possible return values: 0 - 100


Get the minutes the DG was running for between 6am and 6 pm (18)


wiki/countnz.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/24 09:25 by admin