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MAXTIME() Function

The MAXTIME() function can be used in a variety of ways to get the time of the maximum value of a variable.


MAXTIME(variable, options, [days],[threshold],[format]) - see below for description.

variable - string in 'quotes' with ASCII variable name

options - see below for range options

days - Optional number of days to offset backwards in time

threshold - Optional max value to ignore values above

format - optional time formatting string in 'quotes' - see here

Generic Variables (per device type)


Get the time of the maximum value for the selected period

Device - Specific Variables

For device specific variables use a . to separate the device name:

MAXTIME('My Device.My Value',1)

Get the time of maximum value of the variable for the current day.

Option Parameters

The second parameter, [options] is a number and can be any of the following

0 latest value (Default)
1 DAY - Maximum value for current day
2 WEEK - Maximum value for current week
3 MONTH - Maximum value for current month
4 YEAR - Maximum value for current year
5 PERIOD - Maximum value for the selected range
6 SLICE - Maximum value for the slice in the range (i.e. in a graph segment)

The third optional parameter lets you shift the range by a specific amount of days - i.e. a value of 7 will calculate the maximum value for the selected period 1 week ago.


Get the hour an minute of maximum inverter generation for a day:


wiki/maxtime.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/25 05:49 by admin